• Sky helicopters. Having picnic on top mountain at sunset | Credit: Destination Vancouver/Sky Helicopters

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Discover rewards, unique benefits, and exceptional events with ALL –Accor’s Lifestyle Loyalty Program . Stay, work, and earn points to unlock exclusive benefits as a member. Receive our guaranteed best price on participating hotel stays, exclusive access to offers and pre-sales, and savings on select hotels. The best part—the more you stay, the more you earn. Use points like cash to pay your bill or pay it forward by converting your Reward point to support charity. Make each stay in the world’s finest accommodations matter by earning points to redeem on airline and mobile travel, dining, shopping, and even future stays with Accor’s limitless range of experiences from our partners.

Romantic photo of couple reading together and relaxing in bed in suite at Fairmont Hotel Vancouver | Image by Ashley Ferreira Dragonflight Photography

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Save up to 10% on bookings at more than 3,000 hotels.

Beautiful array of seafood for event at Fairmont Hotel Vancouver

Earn Points

Earn rewards with each stay, dining experience, and even flights when you book with our partners.

couple embrace in front of downtown buildings

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Accumulate points with each nights’ stay to upgrade your status and unlock even more benefits.

Vancouver Art Gallery from the Law Courts in Downtown Vancouver | Credit: Destination BC/Tanya Goehring

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Make the most of your points. Travel, experiences, charity, and more—the choice is yours!

Woman looking at her smartphone | Image: pexels-ketut-subiyanto-4350099

Start earning points today. Download the ALL APP.

Exterior view of Fairmont Hotel Vancouver reflection

Explore Our Special Offers

Fairmont Hotel Vancouver offers a selection of packages and special promotions designed to provide excellent value for guests visiting downtown Vancouver. From Fairmont Gold to family stays and more, your stay at the historic castle in the city is sure to be traditionally unexpected.

Friendly concierge assisting guests at Fairmont Hotel Vancouver

Expert Vacation Planning

Our friendly and knowledgeable concierge team would be delighted to assist you in planning your upcoming stay.

Exterior View of Fairmont Hotel Vancouver in spring with cherry blossoms

Stories from the Castle in the City

Discover our unique stories, find inspiration, and discover helpful travel tips to make the most of your visit to Vancouver with our blog.